During my work with Huachuma, I was shown a clear vision revealing the extent of ancestral energy that is stored and passed down through the womb. This umbilical passageway is a bridge of memory for all humans and all genders which is an inherent part of our genetic, somatic, and energetic make-up. It was from that message that I embarked on a long journey of healing my own womb.
Womb healing session in the Peruvian rainforest
Through exploration of many modalities and medicines to restore my sacral center, including sobada (womb massage), yoni steaming, various Peruvian and Indigenous medicines, herbal and fasciae studies, I accumulated an arsenal of effective tools. Though this path is life-long and takes on many forms throughout the ebbs and flow of Womanhood, an aspect of my offerings is to impart my knowledge for others to release, clear, restore, reawaken, and realign their sacred womb spaces.
I have used ceremonial medicines, alongside gentle sobadita to create this pathway for others and the results has been astounding. The sobada consists of moving energy directly within the womb and surrounding abdominal area with massage, lymphatic stimulation, moxa, energy work, and tobacco sopla. The nurturing sobada awakens and warms the physical and energetic body, allowing for the gradual release of ancestral trauma, emotional build-up, painful cycles, cycle inconsistencies, infertility, and many other manifestations that affect the healthy functioning of the womb. It can also serve as a crucial step in the integration process when sitting with ceremonial medicine.
Countless women have experienced a rebirth of their wombs alongside wisdom from the medicine about how to re-align their life to protect and liberate their spirits and their bodies through a revitalization of diet, intimate relationships, work/life environment, and most importantly, their relationship with their womb - which is ultimately relationship to oneself.
The Intikhana Botanica has a Yoni Steam Herbal blend available, which is an incredible self-healing modality to cleanse, nourish, and connect to your beautiful womb.