Phyllomedusa Bicolor, otherwise known as “Kambo” is a natural vaccine derived from the waxy secretion on the skin of a tree frog that lives in northwestern parts of the Amazon jungle and is used traditionally by the indigenous tribes of Colombia, Brazil, and Peru as a medicine and spiritual aide. Kambo provides a very powerful physical and energetic cleanse, and is also considered a master reset within all systems of the recipient.


Each ceremony begins with a platica, in which the experiences and intentions of the partipant/s is shared freely and openly. As the facilitator, I will provide any guidance I feel called to share and use our conversation as basis for leading the session.

Kambo is applied to the participant by making quick small burn mark openings on the skin referred to as “gates”. 

As the medicine is administered onto the gates, it enters the lymphatic system (not the bloodstream). For new participants, one point of medicine is administered first to introduce the medicine into the system and to gauge the participant’s reaction. After a few minutes, more may be applied to however many gates have been opened. Generally anywhere from 3-8 gates may be applied on the side of arm, inside ankle, spine or where we both intuitively agree upon.

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It is required to consume 2-3 liters of room temperature water at the procession of the ceremony in the presence of the facilitator. This assists the process in order to flush the whole lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and other organs.

Some of the initial onsets of kambo can be increase in heart rate and perspiration. Some may experience swelling of the face which wears off post ceremony. After a few minutes of sitting with the medicine, the body will begin purging the water and expelling blockages and toxins that may be stored energetically and physically down to the organs such as liver and even down to the cellular level. The purging process lasts about 15-20 minutes, then the medicine is removed to allow integration for the participant.

Recovery and integration is generally quick within 25-30 min and participant can drive and carry on with regular functionality same day. The whole ceremonial process lasts about 3 hours including opening and closing ceremonial tobacco sopla and light sound bath during integration.

It is recommended to cultivate this “cleared space” as a mental, emotional and physical master reset.

The kambo session can be an intense but manageable experience. 

The spirit of kambo works and communicates with the participate through the mind, body, and spirit, so leaving space before and after the ceremony for reflection is recommended.


  • 12 hour fast is required prior to the session.

  • Withholding from consumption of alcohol the day before and day of ceremony is also required

  • 2-3 liters of room temperature water preferably in personal containers to minimize plastic use if possible. Water is to be brought to the ceremony and drank in the presence of the facilitator. Do not drink large amounts of water before arriving.

  • Wear loose comfortable clothing that is accessible for the medicine area. Bringing socks and an extra blanket is recommended.


  • High blood pressure/low blood pressure/heart problems/previous heart surgery/family history of heart problems

  • Severe liver disease

  • Removed organs

  • Addison’s Disease

  • Undergoing chemotherapy

  • Taking prescription medications

    *Note: if any of the following apply to you, please consult with me and we can evaluate if it is the best medicine for you

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