Intikhana Medicina
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8-Day Dieta at Mama Yura Healing Center

Next Dieta: August 18-28th 2025
Sign up for private newsletter below to receive information about future dieta opportunities

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Pucallpa, Peru

We have had widespread interest for this carefully curated container and opportunity to commune more deeply with plant spirits in the jungles of Peru. The next group dieta will take place August 18-28th 2025. Sign up for the Intikhana Newsletter to be informed of future dieta opportunities.

We are very happy to present a new opportunity to journey into the jungles to work with Master Plants within a sacred container of dieta. This will be a journey to Mama Yura Healing Center in Pucallpa, Peru located in the Amazon rainforest conducted by Maestro Camarampi Shirampa, Shipibo Maestra Diana, and Maestra Daniela Riojas

Experience 11 life-changing days off the grid in dieta surrounded by the medicine of the jungle, guided by Master Plant teachers, and Indigenous elders.

This dieta experience is for those wanting to explore deeper healing and study with plant allies. Our intentions are to provide a safe opportunity for individualized connection and cleansing with Master Plants to assist you on your life path.


A dieta is a time and space to drink specially prepared tea from a certain plant or tree in order to connect with their consciousness and undergo specialized healing provided by their properties. During dieta, food intake is very minimal and consists of no salt, no sugar, no oils or seasoning. This restricted diet allows the body to go through a deep cleansing and creates space for the consciousness of the particular plant or tree to do its work on the physical, emotional, and energetic body.

This 8-Day dieta is geared towards work with two fundamental plants: Ajo Sacha and Bobinzana. This is meant to start each participant with the foundational work of opening the path of doing further dietas. These foundational plants are important to begin the path of dieta in order to progress into working with more advanced plants or trees later. We want to create a cohesive container where only two plants are being worked with in the group in order to maintain a strong and unified field within participants.


  • Dieta with an individually selected Master Plant (Either Ajo Sacha or Bobinzana)

  • 3 Ayahuasca ceremonies to open dieta, in the middle of dieta, and to close dieta

  • Lodging in private casita to process individually with your plant

  • Dieta meals provided to assist in deep cleansing and to create space for the spirit of the Master plant

  • Guided and educational jungle hike through the rainforest to more deeply connect with the medicinal plants and trees

  • Demonstration on the making of Ayahuasca

  • Sacred flower bath

  • Integration circles provided by Amalia Moscoso and Daniela Riojas

  • One-on-one guidance provided by Amalia Moscoso

To receive full details and pricing information please submit an email inquiry below.


To receive full details and pricing information please submit an email inquiry below.

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