Hola familia,
I have arranged my flight to San Antonio and am now booking spots for medicine ceremony:
When: August 23rd, 24th, and 25th
Location: 111 Lone Star Blvd San Antonio, TX 78204
The available time slots are: 8:30am, 12:30pm noon, and 4:30pm on each day.
These are small group sessions of up to four people, so there will be multiple people partaking in each ceremony. I will be offering three medicines for each individual: kambo+rapé+sananga for a requested energy exchange of $120 per individual. The three medicines together are a powerful combination that will provide a comprehensive cleanse, release, and reset to the mind, body, and spirit.
**I will be reserving spots on a first come first serve basis**
Send a $60 deposit to @Daniela-Riojas via venmo or zaazaaproductions@gmail.com via PayPal to reserve your spot. Please let me know which day and time slot you are reserving by messaging me beforehand.
Thank you for taking these steps to heal!