Intikhana Medicina
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8-Day Dieta Preparation Guide


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Thank you for listening to the calling coming from your heart to take a journey into the jungles to work with Master Plants within a sacred container of dieta. This will be a journey to Mama Yura Healing Center in Pucallpa, Peru located on the Ucayali River of the rainforest run by Maestro Mauro Reategui (Maestro Camarampa Shirampa). Participants will experience 11 life-changing days off-grid surrounded by the medicine of the jungle, guided by master plant teachers, and Indigenous elders. Please note that the retreat is a total of 11 days and the 8-day dieta fits within this time frame. This dieta is for those wanting to explore deeper healing with plant allies in addition to work with Ayahuasca. Our intentions are to provide a safe opportunity for individualized connection and cleansing with Master Plants to assist you on your life path.


I am now requiring that each participant allow for a minimum of 3 weeks from the start of the retreat to fully undergo this intensive process. Aside from the 11 days that will be spent in the jungle, 7 days of post-diet will be needed once out of the jungle. 2-3 days of rest in Pucallpa before going into airports. Then 2-3 days before resuming work or strenuous duties once back home.

Preparation for the dieta begins a minimum of 2 weeks before the retreat begins. All dietary requirements are provided once registration is complete.

Maintaining your health and well-being is imperative, and allowing the vibrational field of your diet to be cared for will ensure that the work done in the jungle is secured. This reflects on us as facilitators and care-takers of these ancestral ways.


A dieta is a time and space to drink specially prepared tea from a certain plant or tree in order to connect with their consciousness and undergo specialized healing provided by their properties. During dieta, food intake is very minimal and consists of no salt, no sugar, no oils or seasoning. This restricted diet allows the body to go through a deep cleansing and creates space for the consciousness of the particular plant or tree to do its work on the physical, emotional, and energetic body.

This 8-Day dieta is geared towards work with two fundamental plants: Ajo Sacha and Bobinzana. This is meant to start each participant with the foundational work of opening the path of doing further dietas. These foundational plants are important to begin the path of dieta in order to progress into working with more advanced plants or trees later. We want to create a cohesive energetic field where only two plants are being worked with in the group in order to maintain a strong and unified container.


The plant that a participant will work with throughout the dieta is chosen during the opening Ayahuasca ceremony at Mama Yura Healing Center by the facilitators. Their extensive experience in working with these plant allies allows them to know which plant will serve you best.

Once your plant is chosen, the facilitators will work specifically with your body, mind, and spirit, and connect you with the plant energetically. You will drink a tea of your plant daily and instructions will be provided for that process.

It is highly recommended to prepare mentally for a lot of silence, meditation, and/or creative space to be fully immersed in the energy of the jungle and within the field of your diet while being open to receive insights from stillness.


This dieta will be conducted more closely in the tradition of the Cocamas, which are an Indigenous peoples of Peru who have a long history of practices in curanderismo. This is an annotated diet, which means it is shorter and considered to be "softer, " even though there are parameters of a softer diet that we will be following such as the restrictions of no salt, no sugar, and no touching.

Even within the annotated diet such as this, much profound work can be done and is considered to be a healthy, balanced way of approaching the practice of dietas especially if one chooses to explore stricter, more prolonged diets in the future. These practices require delicacy and patience, so moving into longer diets should be done gradually. Finding presence within this 8-day immersion will be most transformative with a calm, open mindset, and a willingness to receive building blocks of wisdom for one's life.


Coming into ceremony with intention and preparation is an essential part of how the medicine will work directly with you. Aside from endless insights and healing, plant medicine also provides a mirror of reflection to oneself, so approaching ceremony with reverence and an openness to transform will help channel in the most valuable experience for you. In other words, the medicine will meet you where you are at. Considering this, mentally and physically preparing beforehand will assist you during your process and also in the integration part of applying new teachings to your life in a positive and empowering way.

Take dedicated time from now until ceremony to write down your intentions. The first part of intention-setting will be getting clear on aspects of your life that you are ready to let go of. Be sure to express from the heart fully and openly, in as much length and details as possible. You can always revisit your writing over time as you continue meditating and refining.

Here are some prompts and questions to help with writing out what exactly you would like to let go of during ceremony:

- What aspects of my life are feeling unhealthy or unbalanced?
- What do I feel my body needs to be changed or transformed?
- Am I holding onto physical pain, illnesses, emotions?
- What relationships in my life are carrying conflict and why? Is there anything on my part that I can shift in order to bring peace to these situations?
- What emotions do I feel most often on a daily basis? Are they negative or positive? What is the source of those emotions? Are they connected to unsettled traumas or negative experiences in the past?
- Am I still limiting my full potential of happiness and prosperity in my life?
- What old resentments or feelings of unforgiveness would I like to let go of? Who can I practice forgiveness towards?
- What are some unhealthy attachments I have in my life that I honestly should let go of? i.e. food, money, drinking or substance abuse, stress, bad relationships, negative repeated patterns, material possessions, etc.

After writing down in detail what you would like to let go of, we can now move into being specific about what it is you’d like to invite into your life. Aside from shedding away old patterns, the medicine allows us the opportunity of renewal. With new perspectives, reconnection with oneself, and on a higher frequency of love and support, you will be able to truly invite more positive + healthier dynamics into your life.

- How do you envision yourself at your most happy and prosperous?
- What are healthier choices you would like to make in your life pertaining to physical health, emotional health, and good relationships? I.e. meditate, exercise, reducing media, being in nature, finding healthy support groups, healthier diet
- What are all the aspects of yourself that you cherish and why? Take some time to affirm all the beautiful attributes you bring to the world. Self-love is the key to everything.
- What does living a life of peace and balance look like to you? Write in detail.

After writing out your intentions, also be prepared to let go of them. As much as we think we know what we need in our lives, medicine and ceremony may show us something completely different. The process of surrendering is essential, not just for ceremony, but in life. The act of fully trusting your unique path and the wisdom of these medicines, will open up incredible possibilities far beyond what can be conceived of.


We will be gathering for integration circles the day after ceremony, in order to process and connect with each other in these powerful and transformative experiences we'll be sharing together as a family.

The facilitators will be on hand for further guidance and questions throughout the dieta. Each participant will also be receiving some one-on-one guidance from Daniela Riojas during the first few days of the diet.

Outside of our integration circles it will be important to be processing individually, so there will be no touching between participants. Talking will also be kept at a minimum. Keeping your energy very secure is important during your time of processing with your plant.


Part of how the plant spirits speak is in presenting "tests." These tests are a part of the initiatory process where they create circumstances that will test your ability to see into the challenge in front of you and will give you an opportunity to make a different choice.

It is very crucial to begin understanding the way that the plant spirits work within the context of dietas. When we come into a dieta, an energetic field is created in which the plant spirits begin to do very deep psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical work on our being. The cleansing process is meant to facilitate an entire shift in all these facets in very delicate and nuanced ways that requires an open, humbled heart and a secure sense of trust for the plants to do their intended work. When we enter into the field of the dieta, we must be ready to fully surrender and allow stillness to permeate into reality in order to find clarity within and listen keenly into the wisdom that the plants spirits are sharing. With that said, we must also begin to understand the language in which they speak and the ways that they communicate with us.


For instance, a test may be presented in an old wound of lack of self-love coming forward that the dieta is cleansing with your soul. In order to test whether you have the ability to truly let go and step into an existence outside of living from that wound, the spirits will present a circumstance in relation to another person to open that wound. This may be an actual circumstance playing out with another person, or something perceived and playing out purely within yourself.

This might look like feeling highly judged and/or ostracized by this person, or even on the opposite spectrum, a delusion of intense romance and love that is actually an unhealthy need for filling a void within oneself. Another way this test related to self-love may play out, which wouldn't involve another person, would be that your dreams begin to confront old experiences or truths that are needing to be seen. You may be met with challenges in confronting these memories and be doing deep psychic cleansing and work while in the astral realm.

All of these processes are welcome as they are the new opportunities needed to get to the root of deeper healings. Thankfully you will have facilitators such as myself and also Maestro Mauro, who has been an incredible teacher for me personally in this realm of dieta "tests." If these tests are presented, we will be on hand to help guide you through it.


Coming into a dieta with the awareness of these tests that may be presented is extremely important and will continue to be spoken into so that each person is clear on the need to come into this container with full willingness of personal responsibility for their healing experience. This sense of personal responsibility and the humility that comes with that is exactly how the plant spirits have the space within us to speak more clearly. This dissipates the intensity of the tests and opens a clearer pathway to intake the deeper wisdom that the plants want to communicate about Nature, the Universe, about creativity, modalities in healing, how to work with plants for curing, how we receive powerful icaros, etc. The only way to be able to receive these deeper forms of wisdom is if we come in with open vessels, open-hearts, humility, and the willingness to see through these tests and learn what they are teaching us.
The work within dieta is very different from sitting with Ayahuasca. Sitting with Ayahuasca is a strong visionary experience which begins and ends for the amount of time that the medicine is within your system. The medicine itself will continue its work before and after the actual ceremonial experiences, of course, and the ways in which the consciousness of Ayahuasca weaves into our lives is part of how this medicine changes our entire experience of reality.

The difference in workinG within dieta is that the ceremony is happening at every part of every day. The ceremony is fully taking place in waking life and not necessarily the set hours of when we normally enter into the maloka to sit with Ayahuasca. This is, in part, due to the fact that the tea of the plant is drank daily and the food restrictions are clearing pathways within your body for the plant to make its way into deep recesses into one's systems. Aside from the tests that may be presented by the plants, they also communicate through dreams, psychic visions, palpably felt shifts in your energy and physical body, signs from Nature, and heard or seen information that begins to become clearer and stronger as you cleanse more.

There is also a tremendous amount of love, compassion, and true heart healing that pours in from these processes. The plant spirits are extremely intelligent and their consciousness is able to open up pathways of profound illumination.


The recommended dieta, or diet, for Ayahuasca is one that is light and healthy whole foods, with minimum products of animal origin. These are healthy dietary principles that follow guidelines from the native Peruvian Ayahuasca tradition, and they are especially important to cleanse the body before and after the Ayahuasca ceremony. The more disciplined you are with dieta, the more receptive and open your mind, body, and spirit will be to the medicines.

Otherwise, there can be adverse effects of certain pollutants and toxins in the body and mind.

-The following should be avoided for a minimum of 2-4 weeks before and after ceremony. We will be following a preparatory dieta of 2-4 weeks before work with the medicine:

- No recreational drugs
- No alcohol
- No sexual contact
- No sleeping pills

Avoid harmful foods that mix negatively with plant medicine a minimum of 2-4 weeks before and after the ceremony, such as:
- Cheese of any kind, especially aged cheese
- Air-dried, aged, or fermented meats, sausages or salami
- Pork and heavy red meats.


- Soy sauce
- Fermented foods
- Tofu or soy products
- Sugar or artificial sweeteners
- Overly salty food
- Spicy food
- Fried food
- Protein powder/extracts
- Processed or smoked meat products
- Vegetable oils
- Kombucha
- Animal Milk (Almond, coconut, hemp or oat milk is ok)
- Caffeinated beverages (coffee, caffeinated teas)
- Meat (white fish or organic chicken is recommended for protein intake)


It’s important to create space for this diet and the plant spirit that you will be working with. This plant spirit will be needing a lot of space in your body, mind, energetic field, emotionally and spiritually to be able to interact with you and communicate with you as much clarity as possible. If we are interact with other spirts like cacao, hapé, san pedro, mushrooms, marijuana we are limiting the space for the plant spirit you will be dieting with. Therefore please stop working with all medicines and spirits like cacao, hapé, san pedro, mushrooms, marijuana and other entheogens 3-4 weeks before dieta.

The preparation prior to the Ayahuasca Ceremony is a very important part of the process. The cleaner your body and mind is the easier it will be for you to navigate through the experience and the more you will benefit from it. Recreational drugs Marijuana, recreational drugs and alcohol should be avoided for at least 2-4 weeks prior to and after the ceremony. Participants should refrain from sexual encounters, masturbation, or the arousal of sexual energy for at least 2-4 weeks prior to and after the ceremony.


Excessive mainstream media should be avoided as much as possible for at least 2 weeks prior to and after the ceremony including, TV, movies, (Western) music, sports, news etc.


Medicine and ceremony harmonize the spirit back to the frequency of Nature. Take as much time and opportunity as possible to be in Nature leading up the ceremony. This will help in knowing her frequency well and allowing your spirit and body to drop into calmness.


Meditation is a powerful tool for calming the mind and cultivating a calm, centered relationship to oneself. Meditation has the ability to improve a person’s ability to focus, maintain clarity, and balance emotions even amidst challenging situations. Disciplining and preparing the mind will help tremendously during ceremony, so creating a consistent practice every day is highly recommended. Meditating 10 minutes prior to going to sleep, and 10 minutes as soon as you wake up (without checking your phone) is the optimum way to create a good meditation practice.


Ayahuasca is biochemically and energetically very powerful, and it does not mix well with all other substances. Many Pharmaceutical drugs, natural supplements and herbs are not compatible with Ayahuasca and some medical or psychological conditions are also not appropriate for treatment with this medicine. Below is a list of some medical conditions, pharmaceuticals and supplements that are not compatible with drinking Ayahuasca.

The following illnesses carry an extra risk; Kidney and liver disorders, diabetes, epilepsy, high blood pressure, neurological abnormalities and blood dyscrasia. (Ask your doctor).

Mental illness
If you suffer from psychosis or schizophrenia we advise strongly against partaking in an Ayahuasca ceremony.

Drugs that act to potentiate serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine likely present higher risks. It is the responsibility of all participants to consult with their doctors about the safety of ceasing medication during the week of ceremonies. The combination of an SSRI- serotonin reuptake inhibitor, and the MAOI present in harmaline or harmine found in Ayahuasca can be potentially lethal as brain serotonin levels may reach dangerously high levels. These medications should be stopped at least 3- 4 weeks before and after taking Ayahuasca.

Some Examples;
Psychotropics ◦ Antidepressants (Prozac, Venlafaxine) ◦Antipsychotics (Olanzapine) ◦ Lithium, mood stabilizers ◦ Antiepileptics Stimulants ◦ Amphetamines (Adderall, meth) ◦ Cocaine ◦ Caffeine Herbs ◦ St John’sWort ◦ Kava ◦ Ephedra ◦ Ginseng ◦ Yohimbe ◦ Sinicuichi ◦Migraine medications Ergotamine ◦ Triptans (e.g. sumatriptan or Imitrex) Antiemetics ◦ Metoclopramide Parkinson’s ◦ Levodopa/carbidopa ◦ Pramipexole Ceremonial/Recreational ◦ Phenylethylamines ◦ MDMA, 2C compounds, mescaline, NBOMe ◦ Tryptamines ◦ LSD ◦ Cathinones ◦ Mephedrone, methylone, MPDV Cough & Cold ◦ Dexteromethorphan (Robitussin) ◦ Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) Weight loss drugs/supplements ◦ Phentermine (Adipex) Pain Medications ◦ Methadone ◦ Tramadol


- Medium to Large outdoors hiking backpack (65-70 Liters)

- All white ceremony clothes and a shawl. White pants and white shirt or white skirt/dress for females. You will also have an opportunity to buy authentic Shipibo-made ceremonial clothing and items, so leave room for that

- Headlamp and extra batteries. This will be very crucial for navigating through the jungle and throughout ceremony

- Solar powered battery pack. We will be off grid with no cell- phone service but you may want to keep your phone charged to record audios, video blog, or take pictures during your stay.

- Waterbottle. Please try to find something quiet with a retractable or foldable straw. This is will be much easier to use and access during ceremony rather than a screw top.

- Unsalted minerals to add to your water to continue hydrating and remineralizing throughout the diet.

- Small to medium bath towel. Towels will be provided but because of the humidity, having an extra towel on hand is helpful.

- Soap and shampoo with no artificial fragrances. Body cream with no fragrances as well.

-Toothpaste that is as natural as possible, no flouride, no flavors.

-Herbal Insect Repellent

- Loose and comfortable clothing. Be sure to pack some loose cotton clothes as well. Breathable clothes will be nice within the humidity. Athletic wear is good for hikes or working out as well. Long socks to protect your ankles when using rubber hiking boots (we'll purchase these boots there for 80 soles)

-1-2 long sleeve shirts for the jungle hike

-Hankerchief/ Bandana

-Hand Fan

- $700-$1500 extra dollars for extra items you may want to buy while in Peru including instruments, ceremonial tools, Shipibo items, clothing. Oftentimes we'll leave a tip for the kitchen staff who will be taking care of us and cooking our food. We will exchange money in Pucallpa but please be sure to bring all bills with no rips or tears in them at all. Otherwise they won't be accepted for exchange.

- Instruments or creative items. If you play music and would like to bring an instrument, this is a perfect time to have space to flow with the plant spirits. Drawing, painting, or any facet of creativity is encouraged. Please be sure to pack your tools safely.

- Journal. To reflect and catalog insights, reflections, musings, creative ideas as you are in your process.

Recommended items are linked below individually. Some of the links on are affiliate links. That means if you were to use some of the links we provide, we will ultimately receive a commission which we use to help support Intikhana.


Recommended books are linked below individually. Some of the links on are affiliate links. That means if you were to use some of the links we provide, we will ultimately receive a commission which we use to help support Intikhana.

- Ayahuasca: Soul Medicine of the Amazon Jungle by Javier Regueiro *required

- Be Love Now by Ram Dass

- Polishing the Mirror by Ram Dass

- The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle

- A New Earth by Eckart Tolle

- Animal Medicine by Erica Buenaflor

- Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

- Food of the Gods by Terrence Mckenna


Arrival to Mama Yura: February 18, 2025

Opening Ceremony: February 19, 2025

Dieta Opens: February 20, 2025

Mid-Dieta Ceremony: February 23, 2025

Closing Ceremony: February 26, 2025

Dieta Closes: February 27, 2025

Departure from Mama Yura: February 28, 2025


-Dieta with an individually selected Master Plant (Either Ajo Sacha or Bobinzana)

- 3 Ayahuasca ceremonies to open dieta, in the middle of dieta, and to close dieta

- Lodging in private casita to process individually with your plant

- Dieta meals provided to assist in deep cleansing and to create space for the spirit of the Master plant

-Guided and educational jungle hike through the rainforest to more deeply connect with the medicinal plants and trees

-Demonstration on the making of Ayahuasca

-Sacred flower bath

- Integration circles and guidance provided by Indigenous elders and Daniela Riojas


$2800 Pay In Full

Payment Plan Option $3050

$610 Deposit + 4 monthly payments of $610. Payments will be automatically billed per month after the deposit is made.

Pricing Does Not Include: Flight to Pucallpa or additional lodging outside of the retreat dates.

Additional lodging: If arriving before the retreat begins, you are able to stay at Mauro Reategui's airbnb homestay for $30/night. Please communicate with me and I can arrange lodging with Mauro.

It is now a requirement to stay at least 2-3 days after the retreat is over in Pucallpa, to give your body and mind proper space for transitioning out of diet and into the busyness of an airport. This is very essential for maintaining your health and the integrity of your diet. A recommendation for accomodation for your stay after dieta is
You can book through their website linked above, or through through the link here:


Please be sure to book your travel so that you are on this flight from LIM to PCL on February 17, 2025:


Departing from: Jorge Chavez International Airport (LIM) at 10:10am

Arriving in: FAP Captain David Abensur Rengifo International Airport (PCL) at 11:20pm

You will depart from your home on February 16th to arrive in Pucallpa on February 17th 2025. We will stay the night at Mauro's in Pucallpa on the 17th ($30/night). The retreat begins on February 18th when we will travel into Mama Yura Healing Center in the Amazon Jungle.

You are also welcome to arrive to Pucallpa days before the retreat begins if you'd like to take more time to settle into Peru. You will have to arrange your own lodging and transportation if arriving prior. If you are wanting to stay with Mauro at $30/night during that time, let me know and I can arrange that.


Many Blessings, Tlazocamati

-Daniela Riojas