Welcome to Intikhana, a space for connecting with my ceremonial work, medicine music, the Intikhana Mentorship, and the Intikhana Botanica.
Please subscribe to the Intikhana Newsletter below to receive updates on offerings, ceremonies, retreats, new releases, and enrollment opportunities for mentorship. I have been in further studies with my teachers in the jungles as well as in service in ceremony in various lands. The Intikhana Newsletter is the best way to know about all upcoming offerings.
Upcoming Offerings, Concerts, and Retreats:
- January 16th, 17th, 18th: Ceremonies in Kaua’i, Hawai’i in the ancient sacred valley of Anahola - Registration Now Open
My name is Daniela Riojas, a curandera, ceremonialist, educator, medicine keeper, musician, and artist originally from the frontera of Tejas y Mexico, currently based in Topanga, CA, traveling internationally.

A school to assist in the development of intuitive gifts, skills, and Earth-based energetic practices. Methodologies in healing arts and music. Informed by elders and ancestral ways.
Enrollment Now Open for September 2024 Cohort

for All work inquiries please submit the form below.
The Intikhana Botanica is open online during times when I am home in California and is a source for medicine allies, artesianal items, sacred instruments, ceremonial tools + jewelry that have been ethically sourced from healers, makers, and communities I work with. The Shipibo items are sourced from and help to support the Flor de Ucayali community in Peru. Support indigenous-made sacred items. The Botanica is currently closed during travels and facilitation of the Intikhana 3-Month Mentorship

“Gracias ancestros, gracias madrecita, gracias medicinas sagradas ”